Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Love me tender

Love me tender, love me sweet
Never let me go
You have made my life complete
And I love you so
Love me tender, love me true
All my dreams fulfill
For, my darling I love you
And I always will.
Love me tender, love me dear
Tell me you are mine
I'll be yours through all the years
'Till the end of time
Love me tender, love me true
All my dreams fulfill
For, my darling I love you
And I always will
Love me tender, love me true
All my dreams fulfill
For, my darling I love you
And I always will
Always will.......

Monday, February 10, 2014

Love is in the air

its me.
im here coz i cant sleep.
yes.i hate it when i cant sleep.

im going to marry someone.
whom i love most
i care most.

who taught me the meaning of life,
who guided me everything,
who always be next to me,
whom i cant live without.

love is in the air,
i admit,
i am.
this feeling,
just like the first time i met him.

my love to him is so strong and always be.
other wise men out there i agreed, but i picked him.
because my heart and brain took me to him.
because he is expert to handle me.

he is my first love,
and i am his first love.
thank Allah SWT, we cant face the 'X'  ^_^

Just love is not enough,
are the keys for the real happiness we seek.

Pray to Allah SWT,
for everything.
To enter Jannah together , with him.

lots of love,

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

I am B Positive

Salam Nicers,

Syukur Alhamdulillah.... I am B positive.. 
Terima Kasih Ya Allah SWT kerana membuka mata hati dan fikiran aku...


Darah Rhesus Negatif

Salam Nicers!

First of all... rhesus tu apa? Scr ringkas, rhesus (RH) bermaksud antigen atau secara spesifik ialah protein yang wujud pada permukaan sel darah merah. Rhesus ada 2: rhesus positif dan rhesus negatif. 

Darah pulak ada 4 kategori: A, B, O dan AB. Setiap darah dilablekan sebagai positif atau negatif merujuk pada faktor rhesus dalam darah. Kumpulan dgn faktor rhesus maksudnya diorg ada antigen dalam darah yg dilablekan sebagai RH POSITIF. Kumpulan yang x ada antigen dalam darah atau kekurangan faktor rhesus dilabelkan RH NEGATIF. Dalam apa yang aku search...ada satu facts yg mengatakan penduduk malaysia ni kebanyakkannya mempunyai darah RH +. Tp ada jugak yang RH - tapi x ramai..

ibu yang berdarah RH negatif dan ayah berdarah RH  positif akan meghadapi satu masalah dimana bayi yang dikandung ibunya itu akan menghadapi masalah gugur spontan, atau gugur yang terpaksa dilakukan dan kandungan luar rahim(kandungan ektopik).... ok.. kenapa darah RH negatif ni bagi kemudaratan?

RH negatif ini bahaya utk baby dan ibu. Masalah jadi bila darah ibu RH + dan darah bayi RH- .. Bila janin dalam kandungan yang pertama positif, sel darah bercamopour dengan darah ibu terutama ketika bersalin. Sel ni, walaupun sikit, tp dapat timbul rangsangan dlm badan ibu dan membentuk antibodi yang musnahkan sel darah RH+ baby.. Janin akan dapat anemia, bnyk penyakit, otak boleh musnah, kematian juga boleh berlaku kalau xda rawatan. Kandungan pertama besanya selamat dr masalan ni sbb ibu tak sempat keluarkan banyak antibody yang boleh serang darah baby..

Macam mana masalah ni boleh dicegah?
- ujian saringan antibody akan dilakukan kalau mendapati ibu sudah terdedah dgn darah yang RH+
-penggunaan ubat Immunoglobin Rh (Rh IgG). Ubat ni dihasilkan drpd rawatan darah secara berkawal. Ubat ni digunakan untuk mengahalang bdn ibu dr berinteraksi dan bertindak balas. 
- kalau ibu RH- xmau lagi mengandung in future, pencegahan boleh buat by ikat tiub falopian.
- melahirkan anak secara kaedah makmal (fertilisasi in vitro - IVF)

Kepada yang berdarah RH - , janganlah sedih... Aku dah buat research yang sangat banyak boleh buat thesis dah.. Jangan risau, kebarangkalian utk dapat anak ramai itu ada..cuma mungkin sedikit keberangkaliannya. Kalau baby RH-, insyaAllah selamat.. boleh dapat.. kena berusaha.. jangan putus asa.. Rezeki yang Allah SWT tetapkan, kita haruslah terima dengan seadanya...

Redha, Sabar, dan Syukur........ Hidup di dunia hanya sementara....


Sunday, October 7, 2012

hey nicers!

it has been 1 and a half month that ive been in dieting progress. now im goin to tell the results!

Alhamdulillah.. it works although juz 6/7kg burns. From 53kg to 46kg/47kg.

well, at first my dieting menu was totally wrong. never dieting before, so i dont know how it actually works. at first, i did not eat. i juz eat biscuits day and night. then i realize my body dont have any energy to do some work. i got dizziness, fall into sickness.

then. when my boyfriend get little worried and said it is not the best way to diet, and he grab me to supermarket and show what is exactly diet means. Then he advised to buy this food and this, by looking up their calories at packages. HMMM,, ok.. then i went back home and doing some research bout 'diet'.

Actually we need breakfast. Lots of people are not believing this fact. I know, coz i was one of them T_T..
i mean we must eat a lot of food at early of morning. then half portion rice or pasta for lunch. and biscuits at evening. night just some oat with raisin. actually we no need food at night. Just some drinks and little oat is enough. why? lets find out:

Breakfast like a king. - bcos we need a LOT of energy to do works. and when we are working, the calories we've taken at breakfast burns easily. Plus, it can increase of our level of metabolism. why increase? bcos our body has memory too. when we trained our body to eat breakfast, and calories burns when we do works.. so for every single food you eat at anytime, your body memorize.. like.. 'OH food came, and i have to BURNS the food!'

Lunch like a prince. - bcos it is already half of our day life. no need too much food, juz grab half of meal to topup the energy loss and to continue working. At evening, rest and have a tea with buscuits or fuits.

dinner like a pauper. - bcos at night we dont have any energy to use. so if we eat, and not working.. so fats wont burn. it will stuck in your body until the next morning. if you eat lots of dinner , make sure you have some exercise..


As for me, diet is not enough. To be productive, i must do some exercise - JOGGING and CARDIO exercise. The effect is superb! within 2 weeks i disciplined my self to diet and exercise periodically.... found out 2 kg burns! and that is a YES! hahahahahaha...... so i still keep doing dieting and exercising until my weight became 46kg.. sometimes 47kg after eat.. and i have to maintain it..

so well.. that is all.. live healthy guys !



Friday, September 7, 2012

The Legend of 1900


Juz watched this film. It was Brilliant! Seriously i tell u .. Film called "The Legend of 1900" , about a man who was born,grew up,and lived his life aboard a cruise ship at the beginning of the 20th centuries and surprisingly, died in his ship. The sparkle of this story is about its own classic, acting, visuals, and most of it.. its about a piano music. Let me tell you more on this film.

Amazing performance by the hero, Tim Roth! He took us to fall in love with its amazing music and the sea and the structure of the ship..and so much more. We can take this bizzare story of a man who has never step foot on land and completely understand that mans motivations for doing so through the brilliant music. (Ehem! just for u to know, this film won a Golden Globe for best original score in 2000).

As for a human who loved all kind of music film, i announced this film as a top ranking of my fav after August Rush! Now i wonder i've heard theres a movie which tells us about a blind man playing violin. I donno what is the title of that movie but if anyone knows, pls buzz me! Thanks in advance >_< !


Thursday, September 6, 2012



I have some mission here to tell yah!
Lets straight to the point.

First! My mission is to burn some fat and be fit! Calories to be burn is 6 kg! *i feel Miss Fat playing free in my whole body*

Second! Learn how to cook and bake! *malu wey bakal mak mentua tny and kita ckp tak pernah buat*

Third! Sharpen my English *i feel like a dumb while talking to bosses*

Happy working out for first mission. AND here we go!
